Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I have been hoping to really be a help to the staff at the orphanage. Lately I've been staying later and have been able to help more. I've been pleased by being able to stay. Also, it is nice to be a volunteer because then I have the ability to really spend one-on-one time with kids. The staff doesn't have enough time to be with kids one on one. Today I put Roberto in a stander. He usually sits in his bed all day. The stander allows him to stay in an upright position and he can move his feet around to get places. Each of Roberto's legs have a different length, but Roberto seems to be happy to use them. He also always wants to chew things. I was able to buy a chew toy with money donated that Roberto has enjoyed emensely. I took the chew toy away from him, and he used his little legs to gallop around the room in order to retrieve it. Once he got it, he injoyed chewing it a bit before the game began again.


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